Victory Tabernacle Welcomes You

You’re welcome no matter where you are in life and in your journey with God.

We Are Glad You’re Here

Victory Tabernacle is a unique space where connections that defy social norms can blossom in a divided and tense world. Regardless of your age or life stage, Jesus unites us. Our desire is to be of assistance to you in getting to know Christ, developing a strong faith, and going out into the world to serve it.

welcome to church

join us for church 

service times


10:00 am – Kids Church
10:00 am – Adult Life Class
11:00 am – Worship & Preaching
6:30 pm – Evening Worship Service


7:30 pm – Mid-Week Worship & Bible Study

About Our Pastor

Pastor Kenneth and wife Toni Haggstrom have been happily married since 1983 and have two sons, a daughter, and two grandsons.  They have a passion for the Word of God and helping others along their journey in living for God.  Their burden and desire for Florence and surrounding area is to provide a place of worship, faith, connection, growth, and service in an atmosphere of Christian love. 



At Victory Tabernacle we understand that when life becomes overwhelming, hope can seem far away. What makes prayer so amazing is that it turns our focus to the One who is ready to listen. No matter what you’re going through, we’d love to pray for you!