New Here?

We want to create an environment that fosters ministry and growth so that you and your family can have a solid foundation. Our goal is to assist you in discovering a fulfilling position where you may serve God.

If you’re new to Victory Tabernacle or considering joining us for a service, we hope you’ll find a place where you feel welcomed and at home … even if you’ve never been to church before. Our hope is that you will be changed by God’s Word, encouraged by His people and touched by His presence.

Casual Atmosphere
The environment at VictoryTabernacle is welcoming, friendly, and relaxing, where Some people come dressed in jeans while others come dressed business casual. We want you to feel comfortable while we experience worship together in the House of the Lord.

Varied Worship Experiences

Victory Tabernacle worship experiences vary from traditional to contemporary.

Practical Messages

Each week, the message is designed to communicate what the Bible teaches, with practical applications to your life.